his specialties
- Cosmetic surgery
- Surgery of the intimate
- International Precursor in the Field of Male Cosmetic Surgery
LANGuages spoken
French, English, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Russian
ses hobbies
Quand il n’est pas à la Clinique esthétique de la Croix d’Or
- Il travaille à l’innovation de nouvelles techniques opératoires
- Il s’investit dans de multiples actions caritatives
- Passionné de Krav Maga
scientific societies
- Registered in the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland)
- Registered in the Fédération des Médecins Helvétiques (FMH)
- Registered in the Ordre des Médecins (France)
- Registered in the GMC (Royaume uni)
Certifications in plastic surgery
Independent regulatorfor doctors in the UK. Purpose: to protect patients.
The only institution that brings together and federates, in France, all doctors, whatever their status, their mode of practice and their speciality. It is the guarantor of the doctor-patient relationship.
National qualifications
- 19xxx: Graduate of the College of Aesthetic Medicine (France)
- 2008: Diploma in Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery (France)
- xxxxx: Diploma of Andrology (France)
- 19xxx: PhD thesis in Medicine: “xxxxxxxxxx”
- 19xx – 19xx: Diploma of Physician and Surgeon – Medical Faculty of Rome (Italy)
career path
- Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon at the Croix d’Or Clinic – Geneva (Switzerland)
- Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon at CDL – Geneva (Switzerland)
- Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon in private practice – Paris (France)
- Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon at the Gentleman’s Clinic – Geneva (Switzerland)
- Former Attaché Practitioner of Paris Hospitals – Paris (France)
- Former External and Internal Hospital of Rome – Rome (Italy)
publications or conferences
- 20xxxx / Paris : : «xxxxx