When our physical appearance no longer suits us, when social pressure is important or simply by personal decision, it is common, especially for women, to start their first or umpteenth diet.

Usually, we start THE revolutionary method, the one that will finally allow us to feel good about our body. Discovered in a women’s magazine, seen on television, told by a relative for whom it worked… All opinions are good. Or not! Because all these diets, whatever they are, often have one thing in common: restriction.

The results are often quick, but the yo-yo effect is just as dazzling! Not to mention the negative impact on health.

This summer, the Clinique de la Croix d’Or will accompany you and help you adopt the good habits for a healthy body in which you will feel good.


A restrictive diet excludes foods and products from the normal diet, and/or drastically reduces the quantities consumed (especially carbohydrates with the reduction of starchy foods). It is often very strict: lists of foods that are not recommended (and/or recommended), constraints…

It takes absolutely no account of your metabolism, your pace of life, your needs or your dietary habits and preferences. Whether you are a man, a woman, young or old, the restrictive diet will apply to everyone equally. And that is the problem!


  • The decrease of the basic metabolism:

It is due to weight loss: by losing weight, we lose as much or even more lean mass (muscle tissue) than fat mass (adipose tissue). This phenomenon is all the more evident if the weight loss is fast and not accompanied by physical activity.


  • The fatigue and frustration:

They arrive more or less quickly after the start of the diet depending on the individual. Due to the decrease in intake, the body enters a great phase of stress. It then degrades muscle and fat to compensate for energy needs.


  • The loss of control:

Apart from all the metabolic changes caused by the reduction in intake, there are nervous and hormonal stimuli that are induced to increase the feeling of hunger. It is therefore possible to control it for some time but not indefinitely. When the desire and temptation are too strong, inevitably there is a “cracking”. It is often excessive, setting its sights on a large quantity of very rich food (to provide a great source of energy for the body that needs it). If the feeling of guilt occurs, the intake of “cracking” is increased or even repeated and exasperated.


  • The weight regain:

Almost inevitably the diet will eventually end. Several mechanisms then come into play.


As long as the totality of the muscular mass is not restored to the equivalent, our hunger is accentuated.


This period is called “compensatory hyperphagia”: an overeating to compensate for the previous deficiencies.

This phenomenon is coupled with a second one: “adipocyte tissue hyperplasia”: the cells containing fat multiply to store more in order to anticipate a future potential shortage.


  • Feeling of failure:

Being uninformed of the above mechanisms guilt for “cracking up” and stopping the diet is almost inevitable. Moreover, this feeling leads to sentimental food cravings, which we will discuss in a future publication.

In short, restrictive diets certainly allow for rapid weight loss but completely unbalance the metabolism, leading to a much greater weight regain and a loss of self-esteem. Unattractive, isn’t it?

There is no such thing as a miracle diet. The ideal slimming recipe for rapid weight loss is not found in a magic pill. Nor in a “perlimpinpin powder” to be eaten instead of your usual meals. Each metabolism is different, each sensitivity to food is different, and each person attaches more or less importance to food in his or her life. This is why dietary management must be on a case-by-case basis, whether it is a balanced diet, chronotherapy, micronutrition and much more…


It is not up to the patient to adapt to his diet, but up to the patient to adapt his diet to his lifestyle.


Therefore, it is important in the case of failures to consult a specialist who will be able to accompany you in the possible evolutions of your diet and to benefit from a personalized care. Do you want personalized advice? A tailor-made program that respects your desires and your rhythm of life? Our coaches at the Clinique de la Croix d’Or are available and ready to accompany you in this formidable wellness challenge.

Le régime miracle n’existe pas. La recette minceur idéale pour perdre rapidement des kilos ne se trouve pas dans un comprimé magique. Ni dans une poudre de perlimpinpin à ingurgiter en lieu et place de vos repas habituels. Chaque métabolisme est différent, chaque sensibilité à l’alimentation est différente, et chaque personne accorde une plus ou moins grande importance à l’alimentation dans sa vie. C’est en cela que la prise en charge diététique doit être au cas par cas, que ce soit un équilibrage alimentaire, une chronothérapie, un apport en micronutrition et bien d’autre…

Ce n’est pas au patient de s’adapter à son régime mais au patient d’adapter son alimentation à son mode de vie.

Pour cela il est important dans le cas d’échecs de consulter un spécialiste qui sera en mesure de vous accompagner dans les évolutions possibles de votre alimentation et de bénéficier d’une prise en charge personnalisée. Vous souhaitez des conseils personnalisés ? Un programme sur-mesure qui respecte vos envies et votre rythme de vie ? Nos coachs de la Clinique de la Croix d’Or sont disponibles et prêts à vous accompagner dans ce formidable challenge bien-être.


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